Hi, I’m Noémi Holecz.

The goal of my business is to help Hungarian small and medium-sized companies to conquer new levels of success, be it increasing productivity, entering international markets, or maximizing internal value. I believe that as an external expert I can show companies a perspective that is difficult to obtain from within the organization. Which helps structured operation, focused problem solving, and growth.

The main values of Noho Advisory are client-centeredness, solution orientation, structure creation, and the intention to innovate. Here, customers receive attention and care, find a flexible partner, and can count on personal cooperation.

I had the opportunity to examine the company's operations from many perspectives. I led organizational development projects, created product strategy and developed products. In the area of investment, I prepared analyzes and evaluations, clarified the operations of companies, created a risk management system, developed and redesigned processes.

I gained nearly 15 years of work experience in banking, investment, telecommunications and telematics in an international environment here and in the United States. I graduated as an economist from Corvinus University, then broadened my horizons with an MBA program at Niagara University in the United States, and obtained an international Chartered Financial Analyst qualification as an investment and corporate finance specialization.